Little O Studio - Favourite Tutorials

Isn't the internet a wonderful place?  Here's a list to my favourite sewing related tutorials and a big THANK YOU to all the wonderful and talented people out there who offer these for free!

Now, little O studio hasn't had a chance to make all of these yet so we could probably call this my sewing To-Do list:

Make It Perfect Zippered Pouch - see my version here

From An Igloo Art Bag

Homemade by Jill Car Caddy - I haven't made one of these yet but I know J definitely wants one.

Noodlehead Bike Basket - We have been trying to find a boys bike basket for J for ages - he needs one to carry all his cars and dinosaurs around in.  In fact, Noodlehead has lots of great tutorials, I highly recommend a trip over there.

Maggie Muggins Portable Chalk Mat - I haven't made this yet, but I have worked out how to do my own version of Chalk Cloth here so it won't be long.

Bunnybum Drawstring Bags - see my version here

cluckclucksew Roll Out Changing Pad and Wipes Holder - I have made one of these for N's pram and it is so useful.  Haven't blogged it yet but will do so shortly

Snazzorama Denim Messenger Bag for kids - Definitely making one for both the boys when I get my hands on a pair of old jeans (or I finally lose that 'baby weight' and mine don't fit anymore).

Puking Pastilles Superhero Cape - This was one of the first things I ever sewed for J and he still loves it.  It is a reversible superhero cape - every boy needs one of these!  See it here

RicRac's Ballerina Tutu Bag - I'm not one of those people who longs for a daughter but oh, this bag, is enough to sway me.  I'll be making one but I have no idea who will be the lucky recipient.  It is the perfect gift for the aspiring little ballerina.