21 August 2010

Lotta Jansdotter Bloomers

We have been having some beautifully warm weather in Sydney the last couple of days and in the spirit I made my very first pair of baby bloomers - and if I may say so myself, they are just divine! I love baby bloomers and matching singlets for babies in summer - nice and cool but they still looked dressed. Unfortunately most of the bloomers available are very girly and not really suitable for boys.

So here they are in a bright blue gingham!

The pattern said to make your own bias tape from the material but seeing as the bias tape is on the inside of the pants I used some commercial bias tape that I already had in my stash. By doing this it meant that I only needed one fat quarter of material to make the pants - which I was very happy about because I have quite a stash of fat quarters.

They are a size 6-12 months but I was worried that they might be a little small. I've tried them very briefly on and they seem to fit N OK and he is 9 months next week. When I remake the pattern though I will cut it a little larger to make sure they still fit around December / January.

Of course I had to do the matching applique t-shirt to make it a complete outfit. I can't wait for summer now!

Clutch Bag and Coin Purse

I completed the matching coin purse to go with the clutch bag. What I like most about this little purse is that it has both a zippered compartment for coins and a little section to put your credit cards and notes - very handy.

It was quite quick and easy to make - although I did break a needle on my sewing machine sewing through some of the thicker parts.

It went together with this clutch as a little farewell present for J's pre-school teacher who is going off on extended leave for 6 or 7 months.

It's the first handbag I have given or even really shown anyone so I was interested in seeing the teacher's expressions. Unfortunately I don't think she was that impressed as she didn't really look at the clutch at all - so she didn't see the polka dot lining and because she didn't open the bag, I don't think she even knew there was a matching coin purse in there as well. Of course she was gracious and said "Thank you, you really didn't have to buy me a gift' and then she just put it away.
Maybe zebra print just isn't her style?

19 August 2010

Some girly fabric

As I only have boys, my fabric stash is decidely boyish. Now I've made a couple of things for me, I've decided to have some feminine fabrics in there as well.

A trip out to the Remnant Warehouse loaded me up with some fat quarters (including the zebra print and pink polka dot seen in the last post).

18 August 2010

Bags, bags and another bag

I know I haven't blogged for a week or so but I have been busy sewing and designing. Little clutch bags for a change.

I started off using the scraps from my snakeskin and chocolate linen but decided before I even finished the bag that it was just too small and that linen really isn't suited to handbag magnetic snaps - interfaced or not. The wonderful Sue from http://scrap-art-sue.blogspot.com/ gave me some tips and I decided to start again. As you can see, I didn't even bother to finish this one.

Second attempt and I just enlarged the pattern from the bag above. I love the zebra print and pink lining but I was not happy with the flap, it just didn't sit right. I used a medium weight interfacing but no pellon and I think it definitely needs the pellon as well to sit right.

Third time lucky ..... so I hoped. I enlarged the base of the bag and extra inch deep, changed the flap to a triangular flap and added a decorative button. Initially I was really disappointed because the flap - despite being the same length at the base as the bag when I cut it out, didn't cover the edges of the bag, but after looking at it for a couple of days now , I think I really like this aspect of it.

The bag is meant to be a gift to J's pre-school teacher who is leaving so I'm hoping she will like it. I am also going to make a matching coin purse that I saw on http://threadsofus.blogspot.com/2010/05/finally-something-for-me.html . I haven't really given anyone home made gifts before and I am not too sure how this will be received - what do you think - it is ok or does it look too homemade?
Well, I ran out of the pellon and couldn't do a fourth attempt until I re-stock. So I thought I would whip J up another one of these zippered pouches

I am determined to master this clutch bag and I will be back ......

17 August 2010

Superhero cape

Whilst I am working on uploading the new photos, I thought I would share an old project with you - one of the first things I sewed for J!

It's the world famous Puking Pastilles superhero cape with a reversible batman/superman design.

J is still going through his superhero phase and this cape has been worn to the Supermarket and out and about on many occasions. Although only ever on the Batman side, apparently the superman cape is not as big a hit?

We've got mail!

So, I'm right in the middle of taking photos of my latest creations for the blog when the doorbell rings.
It's the mailman with a package for me. Of course J had to do the honours of unwrapping.

Lotta Jansdotter's Simple Sewing for Baby that I ordered from Book Depository. It's here!

Oh the projects just look so fabulous, I don't even know which one to start with. I saw this book in a shop whilst we were away one weekend and I had to have it. I'm off to drool for a bit now and will be back later to blog all the bags I've been working on.

07 August 2010

More outfits for the boys

I'm sure I've mentioned before how much I like the Little Explorer pattern by Make It Perfect? Well I've made another 5 pairs for the boys for Summer!

3 for J: 1 in black linen, and 2 in Denim (spiders and stripes contrast trim).

and 2 for N in Denim (same as J's - the spiders and stripes contrast trim). N was supposed to have another pair in a chocolate linen but I seemed to have *ahem* misplaced that material!

The shorts for N are a size 1 and he is only in size 00 at the moment which is why they look quite big on him.

I love the denim but next time I will do it with a contrasting thread. The matching thread colour just makes the pants look too homemade. I'm also thinking about putting in a fake fly on the denim ones.
And of course there will be matching appliqued tops to follow. I'm just trying to draw some of my own pictures this time so we will see how they go.

05 August 2010

Update on the Chalkboard Cloth

I forgot to add an update on the DIY Chalkboard Cloth that I made.

I explained the process in one of my ealier posts - but I just basically painted some heavy denim with bright blue Chalkboard Paint and let it dry - very complicated!

As you can see it works as a basis to draw on with Chalk.

I had to use a baby wipe to rub it out as I don't have a duster.

My very first use for this was as labels for some tins J uses for his various toys - this way we can change the label as J changes his mind.
As soon as I get a chance I will be making one of those portable chalk boards.
The only thing is - I am not sure how 'washable' this material will be. I am going to give it a handwash to start and see how we go!

04 August 2010

Snakeskin Bag for me

Well I finished it! My very first bag - not that I needed anymore handbags but can you ever really have enough?

I thought I would choose a simple pattern for the first bag - this one was a freebie when I bought a baby shoe pattern from this site - http://ithinksew.com/ (no 31 Shouder Bag). It is one pattern piece cut twice for the exterior and twice for the lining and then the little flap piece. So I thought I couldn't go too wrong. I used a pellon interfacing which was quite thick and combined with the snakeskin print gives the bag texture .
The bag uses magnetic bag snaps to close and unfortunately every time I try to open the bag it is slightly ripping the linen lining it is attached to open - if anyone has any suggestions on how to lower the magnetic attraction I am listening ..... I installed the magnetic clip on the flap on the wrong side - it is supposed to be on the exterior fabric side and the lining becomes the exterior for the flap for a contrast - which would of course look a little better but once I had put that clip in there was no going back.

The only part of the bag I am not that keen on is the straps tie at the top and I find bags with tie straps really uncomfortable to wear. For this bag I am thinking of putting a button and buttonhole to attach them at the top. For the next one I think I would just sew them together before I turned it out.

I used a chocolate linen for the lining which I was going to use to make N some matching shorts as J (see earlier posts).

All up the bag took me about 3 hours to make and would be much quicker now I know what I am doing. And as it only uses about 70cm of each material it is pretty economical. I would definitely make it again. The website also gave me a free clutch pattern (no 45 clutch) so I am keen to see if I can use the scraps from this project to make that one.

03 August 2010

Something for me

It was my boys' Great Grandfather's 90th Birthday on Sunday and the whole extended family had a little afternoon tea to celebrate

On Saturday night I decided I wanted a new hair accessory to wear and raided all my fabric scraps and made up some reversible headbands to wear. I didn't have any interfacing but I didn't worry about it as I used denim on the undersides which gave them a little stiffness

Unfortunately, having two boys, my fabric stash is VERY boy related so I didn't have any lovely girly prints to make the headbands up with (don't mind my unbrushed hair in the photos ...)

But I was so happy to have finally made something for me I thought I would make some other little things for me - starting with a bag. I ducked into Tessuti's yesterday and purchased some snakeskin print (well they call it python) cotton for the exterior and will be using chocolate brown linen from my stash for the lining. I'm making a simple shoulder bag and if it turns out OK I've got my eye on another pattern to try.

I also purchased my very first copy of Ottobre magazine! Now I really feel like I have joined the sewing mums club.
Oh, and I wore the headband with the blue and black geometric print to the party - nobody commented on it so I'm not sure if I looked like a completely eccentric lunatic?

01 August 2010

Zippered Pouch

J currently has an obsession for all things Dinosaur and on a wet and rainy Saturday we decided to explore Sydney a little and took him to see the Dinosaur exhibition at the Australia Museum in the city. Although it was only a small exhibition, J had the time of his life. But I think the part that he enjoyed the most was the trip to the giftshop afterwards where they had shelves of dinosaur toys! Of course he was able to pick out a little present for himself and he chose a packet of large dinosaurs.

J also has about 12 small dinosaurs which he has been diligently carrying around with him and I have been promising all week to make him a little bag to keep the dinosaurs in. So when one of the ladies at EB showed me a link to a Make It Perfect zippered pouch tutorial I knew I had to give it a go!

The instructions called for a 7 inch zip but when I raided my sewing kit, I only had a 6 inch zip so I just adjusted the width of the pouch by an inch to accomodate (it was Friday night and I had had a few vinos so there was no way I was going out to buy a zip!).

It was such an easy to follow tutorial - I only had to unpick once and that was because I was so clever and managed to sew nice and close to the zip - so close that material would get caught in the zipper teeth when you opened it.

So here's the final product - you can see it is a perfect size for all those little dino's! I can see quite a few more of these pouches being sewn up in different sizes - don't you think a little one in Christmas material would be perfect for holding an iTunes card or gift card for Christmas presents?

Now J is asking for a bag for the big dinosaurs we bought at the Museum!